Thursday, December 13, 2012


Love is a wine, you can drink it from eye of your partner,
Love is a game , where you always have to lost your heart.. to win..
Love is beautiful, but you can see that from heart not by eyes..
Love is journey, that you have to travel in all the means..
Love is a relation, that you carry with heart,
Love is life that you live for your partner not for you..
Love is like ocean, where you never find depth of it..
Love is like river, it always flow to from heart to heart..
Love is a language, that you need to practice,
Love is feelings, that make you comfort in arms of your partner..
Love is a subject, where these words are nothing.. but only start..
Love you can feel, can see and can do, it’s a real gift of GOD…Try it..

Have a joyful journey of life…



  1. Replies
    1. this love is only thing this earth which makes us human and tell us how beautiful is life and how wonderful it can be, if you love it and you find your love...
